vr ad campaign
Programs used

This assignment involved developing an ad campaign for an existing business centred around a promotional event. I selected VR Adventures Zone because it challenged me to use 3D software in a creative way.
targeting a market
The goal of this assignment was to create a campaign that resonated with the businesses target audience and could be applied to multiple mediums such as print or web.

Every step matters.
- Thorough Research
- Sketches
- Outside Feedback
- Digitalization
- More Feedback and More Revisions
- The Final Presentation
The process ensures that the final product aligns with values and aesthetics of Taiwanese culture.
a proud creative challenge
This is a project I’m very proud because of the challenges it presented and how I overcame them. It pushed me to experiment with 3D elements and design across various media, solidifying my ability to adapt my design process to new tools and formats.